Albgehnuss brand

Albgehnuss brand

Albgehnuss brand <p><a class="external-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Albgehnuss</a> offers hikes in the Beuren and Neuffen area at the foot of the Albtrauf....
Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design <p>Wine labels for a wine grown on volcanic soil, where volcanic stone is added to the ageing tank during the maturation process, should reflect and represent its origin. Two concepts were created, one showing the passage of the minerals into...
Bergwiesenhof brand

Bergwiesenhof brand

Bergwiesenhof brand The Huber family breeds Limousin cattle on the Bergwiesenhof farm near Bempflingen and markets their meat locally. The family pays a lot of attention to animal-friendly husbandry and attaches great importance to the quality of their products....
Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking A study investigated whether and to what extent faces of people on product images in online shops for clothing attract attention. It was found that faces attract attention to a high degree. It was not investigated what this is due to and whether images...
Icon Design

Icon Design

Icon Design This icon set was designed for the area of smart kitchens. Solid icons with a strong contrast of white on a chilli-coloured stimulating background were created as a solution. The icons were designed for four output sizes. Design fundamentalsExplanation of...